 Boot Camp
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To help our clients acheive RESULTS, one rep at a time.

Our company gives clients the help they need to get the results they want.  We achieve this by combining personal training with fitness boot camp classes.   People often get discouraged about exercise because they get bored or do not feel that it is working. That’s where we come in!  By giving clients one on one personal training sessions and motivating them to challenge themselves in a group fitness setting, people will not only enjoy what they are doing, but will also see RESULTS.

We provide individual personal training sessions in a private setting which will help people feel more comfortable while exercising.  This will also allow the trainer to be able to focus on the clients’ individual needs which plays a vital role when beginning an exercise regimen.

We will also provide group fitness boot camp classes.  These workouts are designed to motivate and inspire people to push themselves to new limits while meeting new people along the way.

        Want RESULTS?


100 Burpees


every minute on the minute

start with one the 1st min, 2 the 2nd min and so on until you can't do anymore

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

heavy bench press, 5 reps

heavy back squat, 5 reps

1 minute on, 1 minute rest of intense cardio, 10 rounds

4 Rounds:

5 Pull-ups

5 Dips

Deadlift, 15 reps

Walking Lunges, 30 reps

Rest Day

Rest Day

5 rounds for time:

135 lb back squat, 20 reps

handstand walk, 20 yards (sub: 30 second handstand hold)

20 minutes, every minute on the minute

10 thrusters

10 push-ups

10 squats

3 rounds for time:

run 400 meters

Squat Snatch, 15 reps

9 incline push-ups

9 muscle-ups (sub 4 pull-ups and 4 dips per muscle up)

15 burpee Pull-ups

21 pull-ups

run 800 meters

21 - 15 - 9 reps of:

Sumo DL High-pull

Overhead squat

Rest Day

Rest Day


Back Squat

5 sets of 3

Increase weight each set

For Time.

50 reps, 35 reps, 20 reps of:

Sumo DL High Pull

40 lb Dumbbell snatch

Max out Deadlift

5 sets, 3 reps

Increase weight with each set

 As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes;

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 squats

5 Rounds of:

20 walking lunges, alternating knees

10 burpees

Rest Day

Rest Day

5 Round for time:

400 Meter Run

30 Box Jumps

30 Wall Ball Tosses

50-40-30-20-10 reps of

jumping rope


3 rounds for time:

Run 800 meters

dumbbell swings, 30 reps

30 pull-ups

Practice Clean and Jerk

15 Minutes of:

Chest to bar pull-ups

L sits

5 Rounds of:

5 dumbbell deadlifts

5 dumbbell hang clean

5 dumbbell push press

5 dumbbell squats

Rest Day

Rest Day

7 rounds for time:

dumbbell swing, 15 reps

power clean, 15 reps

15 box jumps

Run 5K

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

5 incline pushups

10 toes to bar

20 lb medicine ball cleans

150 Wall Ball Shots for time

100 Burpee Pullups for time



